
Congratulations to OEE students!

Friday, February 12, 2021 by OEE Tutor | News

Many Congratulations to OEE students who have received offers from SPJ, Westminster, Hampton school, Godolphin & Latymer, City, Guildford High, NLCS, South Hampstead, Merchant Taylors, Putney High, LEH, Latymer Upper, Dulwich, Highgate, etc. So proud of all of you!

大年初一捷报频传!热烈祝贺收到SPJ,Westminster, Hampton school,Godolphin & Latymer,City,Guildford High,NLCS,South Hampstead,Merchant Taylor,Putney High,LEH, Latymer Upper, Dulwich, Highgate等等学校offer的OEE学员们!天道酬勤!付出总有回报!

Here is a non-exhaustive table for offers received by OEE students in 2021. We will keep updating it.

下表是2021年OEE童鞋收到的offer不完全统计, 更新中。。。(School Ranking ref: https://www.best-schools.co.uk/uk-school-league-tables/list-of-league-tables/top-100-schools-by-gcse)

Last Update (2021-03-02)

Independent School

Ranking School Name Offers A. Scholar. M. Scholar.
1 St Paul's Girls' School 2

2 Westminster School (13+) 4

2* Westminster Junior School (11+) 2

3 Wycombe Abbey School 4

4 Guildford High School for Girls 1 1
5* St Paul's Junior (11+) 3

6 North London Collegiate School 3

7 Godolphin & Latymer School 4

8 King's College School - Wimbledon 1

10 City of London School for Boys 3

11 City of London School for Girls 4
15 Eton College 1

18 South Hampstead High School 2

20 Latymer Upper School 3

22 James Allen's Girls' School 1

24 Hampton School 2 1
25 Cheltenham Ladies' College 1

27 Highgate School 4

29 Lady Eleanor Holles School 1

32 Trinity School - Croydon 1 1 1
34 Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, Elstree 2

37 Merchant Taylors' School 2

39 Alleyn's School, Dulwich 2

43 Eltham College 1 1
50 Dulwich College 2
52 Downe House School 1

59 Putney High School 3

62 Whitgift School 1

63 St Albans School 1 1

Total 62 5 3

*These rankings are based on their respective senior schools. A.Scholar is for Academic Scholarship and M. Scholar for Music Scholarship.

Grammar School/Partial Selective School

School or college name Gender of sixth form Offers
Tiffin School BOYS 1
Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet BOYS 3
The Henrietta Barnett School GIRLS 1
The Tiffin Girls' School GIRLS 1
Sutton Grammar School MIXED 1
West Kirby Grammar School MIXED 1