
All tutors from OEE are senior tutors with backgrounds of prestigious universities or qualified teachers. They have all passed the strict qualification process of OEE and follow our teaching strategy.  


To see more details, go to the tutor's page in the Elite Team dropdown.

Georgina, Oxford
Georgina, Oxford
Charlie, Oxford
Charlie, Oxford
Annie, Oxford.
Annie, Oxford.
Bea, Oxford Union President
Bea, Oxford Union President
Gabriel, Oxbridge. Trinity College
Gabriel, Oxbridge. Trinity College
Jess, Cambridge
Jess, Cambridge
Joshua, Oxford
Joshua, Oxford
Laura, Cambridge
Laura, Cambridge
Robert, 24 year PGCE
Robert, 24 year PGCE
Rosie, Cambridge
Rosie, Cambridge
Thea, Cambridge
Thea, Cambridge
Will, Oxford
Will, Oxford
Rish, UCL
Rish, UCL
Flora, Oxford.
Flora, Oxford.
Seb, Cambridge
Seb, Cambridge
Imogen, Oxford
Imogen, Oxford
Gabriel, Oxford
Gabriel, Oxford
Mole, Oxford
Mole, Oxford
Sophie, Cambridge
Sophie, Cambridge
Beth, 20+ years teacher
Beth, 20+ years teacher
Josh, Oxford
Josh, Oxford
Isabella, Oxford
Isabella, Oxford
Emma, English
Emma, English
Charity, Head of Science
Charity, Head of Science
Edward, Oxford
Edward, Oxford