Saturday, August 19, 2023 by OEE Tutor | News
We are glad to announce that most of our courses are open to book now! Please login to your OEE account and help yourself with our courses.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 by OEE Tutor | News
张老师是一位医学硕士,同时拥有北京语言大学华文教育中级教师证书。她拥有近20年的英国旅居经历,并曾参与公立和私立学校的教学工作,对华人孩子的中小学阶段培养有着丰富的经验和心得。在2016年和2019年,她成功规划辅导自己的两个孩子通过了英国11+考试,并获得了多所顶级私立学校和文法学校的录取,包括QE boys,威敏,圣保罗,City boy‘s,Habs,Henrietta Barnett Girl's,圣保罗女校(SPGS),Latymer Upper,Godolphine & Latymer和City Girl's等。基于这样的成功经验,张老师创办了OEE教育机构,分享备考和育儿经验,致力于帮助更多的孩子顺利通过11+/13+考试,并进入顶级私立学校和文法学校。她的教育理念是"培养孩子热爱阅读、自主学习、独立思考,并具备成长思维,做最好的自己。"
Thursday, January 5, 2023 by OEE Tutor | News
Thursday, October 28, 2021 by OEE Tutor | OpenClass
On 24th October, we organised an online webinar to invite students and parents to share their experience of successful 11+/13+ exams. Thanks all for sharing and joining us for the exciting evening. Lots of bright thoughts and informative slides. Here are the recordings. Enjoy them!
Cary (parent)
Sunday, August 29, 2021 by OEE Tutor | OpenClass
In Gabriel's recent poetry open class, he gave a good explanation of why we still study Shakespeare. Let's have a watch on a video clip of the lesson.