
2021 OEE Spring Term Timetable is online now (春季学期课表正式上线)

Sunday, January 3, 2021 by OEE Tutor | classes

Please visit this page for the new timetable.

You can book by contacting us via wechat, whatsapp or email.

Congratulations to our students!

Saturday, December 12, 2020 by OEE Tutor | News

恭喜近期顺利通过Winchester College,Westminster,City Boys and City Girls第一轮考试的学员们!我们一起继续努力,加油备战第二轮考试!

Recent offers and exams results

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 by OEE Tutor | News

Just share with you some fantastic news. We have four students recently passed the first round entrance exams of St. Pauls' Girls School. 


祝贺William顺利拿到13+ 伊顿Eton录取通知书

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 by OEE Tutor | News

热烈祝贺OEE学员William同学一路过关斩将,在拿到圣保罗,威敏13+ offer之后,在今年11月中旬收获著名伊顿公学Eton的offer!!

Congratulations to Leandra for winning TOP 15 in international Poem Competition

Saturday, October 17, 2020 by OEE Tutor | News

We are delighted to have one of OEE's students recognised for her talents in this year’s Foyle Young Poets award. Her poem was selected out of 15,000 poems by young writers from around the world in this annual competition. Leandra (Lili)in our Poetry Club with Annie has found a place in the 15 winners for her poem ‘The Leshan Giant Buddha’. You can read her poems here. Many Congratulations to Leandra and Annie! ♥♥♥

热烈祝贺我们的学员Leandra(Lili)荣获年度Foyle 青少年诗歌国际比赛前15名,Lili的诗作《乐山大佛》,从15000首世界各地青少年诗歌作品中脱颖而出。家长表示:小朋友之前并没有接触过诗歌,感谢Annie老师的辛勤栽培。

Lili同学参加诗歌、阅读 写作课以来,从未缺勤,课堂总是积极参与讨论,课后作业几乎每次都是高质量第一批完成。本次参赛的作品就出自她的诗歌作业。几分耕耘,几分收获!OEE近期会颁发奖学金给Lili同学,以资鼓励!!

欢迎其他小朋友也来分享各自成功的喜悦!! 我们会有奖品送出哦!

Watch the video from this link: https://youtu.be/1ii-bTNd6h4