Monday, March 1, 2021 by OEE Tutor | OpenClass
OEE 英国小升初择校分享系列(二)
We were very honored to have the following students who have given us insights into their school life. Please click the link for audio recording.
Grammar School:
Dartford Grammar School. Leo, Y7 (00:52-13:42)
Colchester Royal Grammar school, Jason, Y8 (13:49-26:12)
Independent School:
City of London School for boys, Kian Y10 (55:20-1:13:30)
Merchant Taylor’s school, Theo Y8, (1:13:45-1:22:16)
Highgate School, Marcus Y11, (1:22:19-1:33:45)
Haberdasher aske's boys' school (Habs), Kasper Y10, (1:33:55-1:45:55)
North London Collegiate School, Avie Y10, (1:46:02-1:55:41)
Monday, March 1, 2021 by OEE Tutor | OpenClass
Here is the ATOM learning promotion with OEE.
Contact me if you need discount code for ATOM learning.
Saturday, February 20, 2021 by OEE Tutor | OpenClass
OEE 英国小升初择校分享系列 (一)
We were very honored to have the following students who have given us insights into their school life. Please click the link for audio recording.
Grammar and Partial Selective School:
The Henrietta Barnett School (HBS), Susan Y9, Hanyin Y10
Dame Alice Owen's School (DAO), Samantha Y7
Tiffin Girl's School (TG), Jenny Y8
Tiffin Boy's School (TB), Kai Y9
Queen Elizabeth's School (QE), John Y10
Independent School:
St Paul's School and St Paul’s Juniors (SP & SPJ), Enyu Y10
City of London School for Girls (CLSG), Yuki Y8
St Paul's Girls' School (SPGS), Katie Y8
Westminster School (WS), Yubo Y9
Friday, July 8, 2022 by OEE Tutor | Uncategorized
大家好。各位朋友关心的经典文学导读小组课书目如下:附电子版链接。暑假希望小朋友们多读书,读好书, 度过充实而快乐的暑假哦。
O E E Years 5 6, Monday Friday 9.00am 10am.pdf
O E E Years 7 8 Monday Friday, 1200pm 1300pm.pdf
O E E Years 9 11 Monday Friday 1940pm 2040pm.pdf
Thursday, January 13, 2022 by OEE Tutor | classes
To see more details of each course, click the “Short URL" of each course.